Monday, April 27, 2009

Welcome Doug3

We are so exicted to welcome little Nolan (aka Doug3) into our family. He will be known as Doug3 (cubed) to Doug Mills. When we went up to Alison's and Doug's wedding, Doug Mills immediately nicknamed Doug Pilsner Doug2 or Doug squared.
Lets hope it will be many years before Doug3 takes after Doug and Doug2 (no beer for a while...unless he takes after his Uncle Scott and decides to have a beer with Saturday morning cartoons!)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter in Boston

We went to Boston for Easter weekend and enjoyed visiting with everyone and going to church with Mama and Daddy. Wonder if Don has figured out how to work his converter box yet?
Amanda, Meme, Granddaddy,Kristen

Amanda,Meme, Granddaddy, Kristen
Walker, Eileen, Doug, Nick

Old school bus at creek.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Alice, Lindsey, and Kelsey

For those of you who don't know, Alice and Kelsey are in Italy this week visiting Lindsey. I wanted to share this picture of them in Cortona with everyone. Aren't they beautiful!
To see more of their pictures, visit Alice's blog and look in the left hand column for photo album.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pups in Little Bed

Amanda found a doggie bed on sale for $10 and got it for the pups. It is a "small" bed but Charkee and Kolle don't care. They enjoy snuggling in it and watching the action on the beach. I really think Kolle is saying, "I wish Charkee would get off me and let me have this bed to myself."


Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Water Over Road" or "Road Under Water"

We have received over 10 inches of rain the last couple of days in GA and FL. Water is everywhere! On our way to the beach on Friday we encountered a few detours!

The first "Water Over Road" sign greeted us south of Albany. Since we weren't sure if it was safe to continue and drive through the water, Doug decided to walk through the water to see how deep it was. As he was checking the conditions out, a man drove up and said he lived close by and that it was safe to drive across. However, he did tell Doug that he was smart to check things out because a guy had driven across Plantation Road, which was covered in water, and drove into a sink hole...the road had just disappeared!
Doug checking things out

Next, when we got to Newton we saw a dreaded "Road Closed" sign. Thank goodness there was a convenience store at the intersection so Doug went in to find out how we could get to Colquitt. The detour took us to Blakey but it was not without some "Water Over Road" signs. This time, we waited until we saw a few vehicles drive through to see how deep it was and if it was safe for us. We were worried because all we were seeing were trucks or SUV's, no little gas saving Hondas. We finally made the decision to brave the elements and drove through. See, I have these reoccurring nightmares about being on roads covered in water and can't get to safety
"Water Over Road"
Driving through water on detour to Blakey

After we finally made it to Colquitt and were ready to turn on the road to Donaldsonville, guess what...another "Detour" sign. We saw lots of water and, unfortunately, a few houses that were flooded but no more "Water over Road" signs.

We finally make it to Florida and then in Grand Ridge we saw a"Road Under Water" sign. This really took me for a loop...after reading "Water Over Road" for almost four hours, I translated the "Road Under Water" sign as "Water Under Road". Doug just looked at me and shook his head! I guess he thought I was a little crazy. It finally dawned on me what I had said..."Water Under Road". Boy, was I glad when we finally made it to Alice's Beach House!

There has been so much rain here, and the Bay has gotten so much fresh water, that there are no oysters being harvested for a while.

Congratulations Kristen!

About a month ago Kristen interviewed for an internship with the Medical Center in Columbus. She has been waiting to hear from then since then...she was told they would contact all those who interviewed within a week. Well, the week turned out to be a month. She got a call last night around 10:00 informing her that she had been accepted into the program. She will be in the July session, which runs from June 30 to August 1.

Congratulations Kristen!