Monday, June 28, 2010

Kristen and Nick

Here's a few pictures of Kristen and Nick (and Kami) that I took at the camphouse after we got back from church Sunday. We enjoy going to Boston Presbyterian Church.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Doug and Girls

Doug and Kristen

Georgia Bird Dogs

Someone sent me this picture years ago and I ran acorss it when I was looking at pictures on my computer. I thought everyone out there could use a laugh!

Amanda and Doug

Kami and Kinsleigh

Staying Eight Forever

Kristen wrote the following a few years ago. I thought it appropriate to post it today on Father's Day

Staying Eight Forever

Everyone has moments in their life that will be in their memory forever. Some of the moments have a huge impact on his life, and some have a little impact of his life. I have many of those moments, but one memory sticks out from all the others. I have always been a daddy’s girl and that is the reason this certain memory is my favorite. My moment in time that has left a small impact on my life is when I told my dad that I wanted to stay eight forever.

Almost every child has said to his parents that he does not want to grow up or he would like to stay a certain age forever. I was among these children and told my dad that I wanted to stay eight forever, but when I said it to him, it was different. I will never forget that night and remember almost every moment that went on that night.

I was eight years old and it was football season, meaning it was between September and November. I had on my favorite pajamas and was waiting on my dad to walk in the door. I was excited because my dad was home and I couldn’t wait to ask him to tuck me in. It was unusual for my dad to be home in time to tuck me in because he was a football coach and usually got home too late during football season tuck me in.

I was in bed wasting time talking to my dad because I did not want to go to sleep yet and did not want him to go downstairs. I remember him telling me how, when I got older, I would not want him to tuck me in at night anymore. My response to his statement was, “Well daddy, I want to stay eight forever, and you can’t get any older either.” My dad smiled and laughed and said he wished he could find a way to make that happen.

Unfortunately, I’m not eight anymore and my dad is not the same age he was ten years ago. There are many times today that I want to be eight again because, as a child one has barely any worries and no big responsibilities. But the main reason I still wish I was eight today is I could spend as much time with my dad as I wanted. I am still as much as a daddy’s girl today as I was when I was eight, but because I live away from home now, I am not able to spend as much time with him now as when I was younger. And my dad was right, I do not ask him to tuck me in anymore, but I do always make sure to give him a hug and tell him goodnight when I am at home.

Luckily, I have not had many dramatic moments that have changed my life or made a big turning point. I still have a lot to learn and when I have a dramatic moment they will help me learn about myself and my life ahead of me. The moment when I was eight with my dad did not change my life completely, but the moment has made me realize that I need to always appreciate everything I have because, I will not always have it in my life. As I get older I have realized that the day will come, hopefully a long time from now, that I will not have any more time to spend with my dad. With realizing this, I do not want to have any regrets about not spending enough time with him. Now when I go home I always make sure to spend a little time with my dad, even if it is sitting watching football with him. Every now and then, one of us will mention the memory and ask each other what happened to us staying the same age forever.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Friday!

I'm gonna steal "Alice and Jay's" Happy Saturdays idea and post a Happy Friday list.

1. Kristen had two job interviews today! One at the hospital here in Thomaston and one at the hospital in Griffin...(she also has another interview next week in Columbus).******Kristen just got a call from Griffin offering her a job.******

2. I have finally completed state reporting for this year and the superintendent has signed off. I can actually enjoy the rest of my day off and am looking forward to going to work on Monday and not having to worry about "Student Record Data".

3. Amanda got her name straightened out on her deed to her house. Jeez, you'd think people could spell "Mills".

4. Our hotwater tank had to be repaired and it was still under warranty!

5. Kinsleigh - I don't get to see this little pup often, but when I do she makes me laugh! She is such an unusual little creature and has the best personality in the world. Did I mention she is very hyper? (When I find my camera charger to charge my camera, I'll upload a picture of her).

6. Yum yum for tomato sandwiches, cucumbers & vidalia onions marianted in vinegar, fresh pineapple, cantelope, and strawberries. Still looking for some good peaches. I would love some okra, too!

7. Kristen's blog.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Swimming Ditch?

As Alice Cooper's song "School's Out" plays in my mind as I leave work each afternoon, I am extra careful while driving home this time of year. There are usually young children playing in the streets or riding their bikes up, down, or across the roads.

Because we've had so many thunderstorms and so much rain lately, I'm sure these kids have cabin fever and bolt out of the house the minute a storm passes and before another one strikes. Today was no exception. As I was driving home, I saw a toddler in diapers running to join her siblings who were playing in the street. As I came to a stop, I looked to my left to see what they were looking at and saw their brother almost waist deep in a water-filled ditch sporting a pair of yellow goggles! Even though the water was as red as GA clay and nasty from all the trash, he was having the time of his life. I just sat in my car and watched him. Sure enough, he adjusted those goggles and dove under that nasty water. All I could do was laugh! His skin was turning red and I'm sure his shorts (if he had any on) would have had to be thrown out after that swim!

I wish I'd had my camera to take a picture of that little boy. After a trying day at work, he really brightened my spirit! Who says you have to have a pool to go swimming!