Friday, April 8, 2011

What's Behind Fence Number One?

Living in the country has many perks that city dwellers never know about. One of those perks is having a well. One of the downsides to that perk is having to build a structure to protect the pump from the elements. When we moved into our house in 1978, we had a well (which was almost dry) but it did not have any type of structure around the pump. That being the case, Doug and a good friend set out one day and built a "well house". They used concrete blocks and plywood. Let me tell you something, that well house was not going anywhere and you had to be a body builder to get the top off if something went wrong with the well. Maybe that's why I took up weight lifting. There were many days/night during those 30 years of football seasons that I had to remove that top to prime that ornery pump!

A few years ago we had to end up having a new well drilled but we are still stuck with the old one and that lovely well house. Ricky has come to our rescue one more time! He built up the sides in order to put a true gabled roof on the well house that can be removed a little easier if major work has to be done. He put a small access door on the north side and put hardy board siding in the board and batten pattern on the sides to match the house.

What's behind fence number ?
An old ugly well house.
Built out of concrete blocks.
The original roof is off and on the ground.
The new gable roof is on and new OSB siding is in the works.

Access door was cut out on the north side
And inside is the pump.

OSB siding complete

North side with access door.

Hardy Board Siding has been added.
It will be painted the same color as the house siding

West side of the well house.

North side again.

1 comment:

Blumentopf said...

That renovated well house looks just right for spontaneous overnighters.