Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Stove

Doug decided to take a break from the grill for a night and try out the new stove.
Getting ready to boil shrimp.

Squeezing a lemon is hard work!
 Then the next night he went back to grilling and we had salmon and salad. We have changed up our menu just a little now that we have a working kitchen. Instead of just chicken and salad we now have salmon and salad or shrimp and salad. Once in a while we'll even have steak and salad. We can also eat on real china and use real silverware!


Alice and Jay said...

This is incredible! It looks beautiful. I am a little envious but so happy for you guys. Can't wait to see the new furniture!

Blumentopf said...

That makes me salivate all the way across the ocean!