Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our House

Long time no see! Here's a quick update as to how things are looking at our house. We're waiting on our greatroom and TV room furniture to arrive and we're still unpacking kitchen stuff.  The land grating is complete so Doug now has to decide how he's going to landscape the yard.

The old refrigerator is still on the porch. It will be moved so
we can see out the kitchen window.

Amanda checking wedding lists.
The tv in the background does not stay. Eventually we'll have
a larger one on the mantel and all the wires will be hidden in the mantel.

We have a glass door so I can open the front door
for added light and so Polly Ann can see in.
If you look closely you can see PA out the door.

Notice the front door handle and lock. This one has
a key combination so when we lock ourselves out we
can still get in (as long as we remember the combination).

Boxes of kitchen stuff that have to be unpacked (or given away)

The new steps that lead up to the parking area.