Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

This Thanksgiving we decided to do a "Non-Traditional" Thanksgiving. Kristen had to work Thursday and Friday so she couldn't be in Boston until late Friday night. Chad also couldn't make it on Thursday so we decided to cook steaks on Saturday when we could all get together. So.....Amanda, Doug, and I decided to participate in the Thanksgiving Day run/walk in Valdosta. This was a "no frills" race, meaning you did not receive a T-Shirt for participating. You did get to donate canned goods and pay a small fee of $5.00 to participate.  

Doug, Amanda, and I all started out together walking...
All the runners took off and left us in their wake. BTW, I'm in the blue shirt, A is in the pink shirt and D is behind us in the white shirt. It was quite warm and humid on Thanksgiving day.
I think Amanda was already looking for a ride and we had just started! 

Amanda decided not to catch a ride after all. She and Doug ran together and she finished right before him.

Doug trying to catch Amanda

I was in major  pain and praying I could make it across the finish line. I attended a "boot camp" exercise class with Amanda on Wednesday and was feeling that on top of trying to run! Hey,  I got second place in my (old) age group!

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