Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wide Open Space

We wanted a wide open space
Room for Doug to cook
We wanted a new place
For me to work on my MacBook

We wanted a wide open space
Room for the dogs to play
We wanted a larger place
For them to sleep away the day

We got our wide open space
No longer two rooms
We got a larger place
Now, I going to need a new broom!

The support beams came down today between the great room and kitchen and the header was installed. Wow! I had no idea it was going to happen so fast. I guess with the temperature not getting above 30 degrees today, working inside was the best idea. Unfortunately for Ricky and crew, the electricity was turned off all day for electrical work to be done, so it was freezing inside the house, too!

Support beams are gone between great room and kitchen.
Kolle and Kami wrestling in their new space while Charkee refrees
View from kitchen into great room after support beams were removed.


Betty said...


Alice and Jay said...

I agree with Betty. WOW! That looks incredible. I love watching the progress from day to day. PS I think those are pretty special girls too! :) We are pretty lucky, aren't we?