Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Crown Molding and Paint

As the rain continued to fall today, Ricky worked inside putting up crown molding in the master bath and the painters put a coat of paint (primer?) on the walls in the laundry room, TV room, hall area, and one wall in the master bedroom. I will take this rainy weather we are having over the weather in the midwest any day. Be young, be foolish, but be happy. Don't let the rain get you down!
A coat of paint was applied in the TV room today.
The crown molding and baseboards looks great!
View from TV room through hall area into great room.
The paint in the TV room and hall area are the same color but
it doesn't look that way in this picture.

Wall in master bedroom with coat of paint.
What was I thinking when I wanted that awful blue???
Must have been a blue time in my life.

Yep, must have been a very blue period in
my life. Thank goodness I'm over that!

Crown molding in master bath.
Small linen closet will go in opening.

More crown molding in masterbath. This is the
the ceiling and walls above the toilet nook.

View of crown molding and door frames in bath
looking into bedroom.

1 comment:

Alice and Jay said...

it must run in the family. I had the exact color blue in my bedroom for years.