Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thursday and Friday Updates

After a day off because of snow and cold temperatures on Thursday, the folks who put up the siding were back at work on Friday. Ricky never takes a day off and on Thursday and Friday he was inside installing and grouting the tile in the laundry room, master bathroom and closet.  The painters were also here.
Board and Batten siding on west and south sides of dining room.

View of west side.

View of board and batten siding on south side of dining room

Tile and grout have been finished in laundry room.
Ricky even moved the washer and dryer back in
and hooked it up! Yay! Thanks Ricky!
Tile and grout in closet

Master bathroom.
Tile and grout has been installed
on floor. That's the bathtub leaning up against
the wall. That tub has been moved around
more than the refrigerator!

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