Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tile and Deck...

The contractors started installing the tile around the tub on Friday. They also worked on installing the liner in the shower for the tile.

New tile around tub

Another shot of tile around tub
Earlier in the week the contractors started tearing down part of the deck. After all the deck is gone, they'll begin building a 12x12 dining room and a 12x28 covered porch with a 10x20 deck attached to it.
Lower deck has been removed.
Upper deck will also be removed.

 With all this construction going on, our house now has a permanent coat of dust and a lovey aroma of glue. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining!


Betty said...

After looking at the new tile and then the old tile, I think you made the right decision!

Alice and Jay said...

when you say "home renovation", you aren't joking are you! WOW! You are going to have a brand new house soon. It looks GREAT