Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Happened Yesterday...

Yesterday Bo and Sean put the board and batten on the dormers! The pictures don't look that great because by the time I got home it was almost dark. Ricky worked inside putting shoe molding down in the master closet and bath. The painters put a coat of paint in the dining room and great room. Our cabinets were not delivered today because of the rain storm we've had all day long. Maybe tomorrow....
Board and battern on dormer on north side of house.

Board and batten on dormer on south side of house.

Woodbox door on fireplace.
Shoe molding has been added in closet
and master bath.
Another coat of paint has been added in greatroom.
I think I must have something on my camera lens ...see the splotches
on the wall?
The catfood container was on the front porch until some
creature kept stealing it and taking it out in the yard.

1 comment:

Alice and Jay said...

Those aren't spots on your camera, they are orbs. You must have every spirit in Thomaston moving in to the pretty new house. You might want to call Ghostbusters. :)