Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dining Room and Porch Foundation

Every morning I look out the back upstairs windows and peer down at what will be our new porch and dining room and say to my self..."Self, you really need to take a picture from up here". So before I left the house Saturday morning, I grabbed my camera, opened the window, and leaned out the upstairs windows and took a few aerial shots of the dining room and porch foundation.

Aerial view of dining room foundation from Kristen's room.
Aerial view of dining room foundation (and a little of the porch) from
Amanda's old room, which is now our temporary bedroom.
Aerial view of porch foundation from Kristen's room.

Aerial view of porch foundation from our temporary room.
The concrete slab you see if where the original air conditioning
unit used to be many years ago.
The other object is steps that used to lead into the laundry room
When I got back home Saturday afternoon, I took ground pictures of the progress that has been made on the dining room and porch foundations.  If you look back at Thursday's post, you'll notice that there were only concrete blocks and no bricks. Now we have bricks around the foundation.
Bricks on the dining room foundation.

Bricks on the porch foundation.

Another view of porch foundation with bricks.

One more view of porch foundation with bricks.

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